Renewable Energy | Hydroelectric Power

Courbe-du-Sault Hydro Power Plant, Sheldrake River

Courbe‑du‑Sault hydroelectric development on the Sheldrake River is operated by the Sheldrake River Energy Corporation Inc. and is the result of a partnership between the MRC of Minganie, the Innus of Ekuanitshit and AXOR. The 25 MW project was built as part of the Hydro‑Québec PAE‑2009 call for tender and started in January 2013. The project consists essentially of a concrete dam, an evacuator flood, a water intake built into the rock, a tunnel approximately 800 metres long, a power station housing two Double‑Francis turbines and a tailrace channel to restore water to the river.

The Company is actively involved in the Atlantic salmon enhancement program in the region. A capture cage has been set up at the powerhouse to raise the spawners upstream of the impassable waterfall in the hope of restoring the salmon resource in the Sheldrake River. A seeding program has also been in place since 2015 where eggs are housed in incubators in hydroelectric facilities. The fry are born in the water of the river and are launched in the spring of each year.

A power purchase agreement signed with Hydro‑Québec Distribution is in effect until 2033, renewable for another 20 years.


Rivière-au-Tonnerre, Quebec

Date of Commissioning


Installed Power

25 MW

Submit a general application