Renewable Energy | Hydroelectric Power

Chute à Thompson Hydro Power Plant, Franquelin River

The hydroelectric development of Chute‑à‑Thompson on the Franquelin River is operated by Franquelin River Energy Corporation Inc., and is the result of a partnership between the Municipality of Franquelin and AXOR. The 9.9 MW project was built as part of the Hydro‑Québec PAE‑2009 call for tender and started in December 2010. A concrete dam and evacuator at the Chute‑à‑Thompson allowed the raising of the normal level of the river to redirect it to a natural valley where the water intake was constructed. The latter allows water to be conveyed to the plant some 63 metres lower by means of a forced fibreglass pipe to the Double‑Francis turbine.

The layout has been designed to integrate as much as possible in its natural environment, including a fishway at the spillway, a runway for the eel in the intermediate reach and nesting boxes for the different species of bird of the region. A recreational tourism circuit allows you to walk or ride a bicycle around the site.

A power purchase agreement signed with Hydro‑Québec Distribution is in effect until 2030, renewable for another 20 years.


Franquelin, Quebec

Date of Commissioning


Installed Power

9.9 MW

Submit a general application